Friday, September 19, 2008

9/11 Pentagon Memorial

While dropping Erin off in Arlingtion, VA to begin her new job, we were fortunate enough to visit the newly dedicated Pentagon 9/11 Memorial. This is a very poignant space, with benches for each victim and reflecting pools. The most heart-wrenching aspect of the site is the engraved pavement stones with the date and time of the attack. You can see the marks from the airplane wreckage on the blocks. This memorial is a must-see on your next visit to our Nation's Capital,

Water, Water everywhere

We were out of town from September 11 until the 16th. While we were gone, it rained. And rained. And rained. The area received in excess of 10 inches, the most ever recorded. Since our town is settled around a lake, there was much flooding, and all the bridges into town were closed.
Our home was not affected, but many were. The waters are receding, but now the clean up starts, mostly for our park department. The area around the lake has been extensively renovated in three phases, and much of the new area was flooded. It remains to be seen if there was damage to the renovations. Hopefully not.