Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Things to Accomplish before my next birthday

A blog I visit occasionally is "A Beautiful Mess" by Elsie Flannigan. Elsie posted a challenge to list several things you realistically wish to accomplish before your next birthday. Since mine is in September, I don't have very long, but here goes:

1. Design and Publish our first firm brochure to give to clients; we have alot of experience in many areas of law, but we needed a way to let our clients know this. Tom has been after me to do a brochure we can give to clients to enhance our repeat business and referrals. I found a program I think will work for us, so it's now just a matter of DOING IT.

2. Get back on the FlyLady program; see That pretty much says it all.

3. Get our yard completely ready for winter: prune bushes and trees, pull out dead plants, cut back perennials, put away yard furniture,etc. This is about a two-weekend job since I do this myself.

4. Begin work organizing the upstairs storage area. I really want to get this area in order so that if Chicago gets the 2016 Olympics, we can be in a position to finish the upstairs rooms for a "bed and breakfast" area I have been thinking about. I think we could pay for the renovations with what we would make over that 2 week period, if it does come to pass.

I think that's enough to realistically think I can get done in the next 51 days.